New Year, New Hope.

“The Quaran-cuterie Board”

“The Quaran-cuterie Board”

As we are about to finally publish this website, we look to reflect on what we have been through. The words we all have on our lips if not on our thoughts are- Wow… what a year. But aren’t you all sick of hearing that? I absolutely am. It is true that 2020 was a rough one for all of us. That being said, I was one of the lucky ones. For that I can be thankful. So excuse me while I take a moment and thank my lucky stars for the fact that my family is safe, we are financially ok, and we had enough people in our bubble that we didn’t completely lose our minds. I have come to realize that if you can say these three things about your year… you too are one of the lucky ones. I can easily dwell on many things that happened this year- closing my business after 16 years probably tops it. That being said, we closed because I became pregnant with our second child and I finally hit my limit on what I could handle. Our last day was the first day of the shut down. We were prepared to close our doors. So in reality, another blessing. It could have been far worse.

Now I realize that the above probably feels like bragging to some extent because a lot of people can’t say they were as lucky as I was. Some were luckier too. But the point is that I think at the end of the day, we all have something to be thankful for. That doesn’t mean we don’t have the right to bitch and moan when terrible things happen. We still get to kick and scream. When we see our kids struggle with online learning, or miss their friends, when we are fighting with our spouses because we all have cabin fever, or are frustrated that all of our lives are seemingly on hold, we have the right to get mad. When we see death and illness all around us and beloved businesses close, or worse… out own, we are allowed to be scared. How can we possibly ail our anxieties when every time we let our guard down, something bad happens? We can’t.

However, I am reminded of a therapist friend who reminds me when bad things happen that we can’t control what happens to us, only how we react to it. We still have a choice to choose happiness, no matter to what degree of difficulty we are going through. You can choose happiness and also allow yourself to feel everything we need to feel to get through the other side and heal.

Now as we enter into 2021, resolutions are going to hit harder this year. This may be the year we decide not to have them. Or maybe we just decide as a rule to just be kinder to ourselves. I would love to say that 2021 will be a great year. For now we will just say that I am cautiously optimistic.


Baked Wild Salmon


Basic Pulled Pork